CJ ENM creates a more valuable world with our captivating 'content and brand' experiences.
ESG Placement
CJ ENM brings positive changes in the environment and business ecosystem together with our society and the global community.


We create more valuable world with our captivating ‘content and brand’ experiences.

ECP (Eco-Balanced Content Production)

Content planning Content production Content distribution

ECV (Eco-Balanced Commerce Value-chain)

Brand planning Sourcing・Production Sales・Distribution

Pillars & Commitment

  • Planet Earth, water, air, and nature
    • We make commitment to conserve natural environment.
    • We put elbow grease into minimizing our carbon footprints.
    • We strive to reduce wastes.

  • People A culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion
    • We respect the dignity of all members of ecosystem.
    • We understand and respect diversity of lifestyles and thoughts.
    • We support a healthy ecosystem where we grow together.

  • Business Bring out the best with story
    • We create a Good Impact and deliver excitement through our content and brands.
    • We create sharing value with stories connection me and the world.

2050 Goal

  • Planet

    • 2030Invest infrastructure and develop eco-friendly management
    • 2050Achieve net-zero carbon neutrality
  • People

    • 2030Build a virtuous circle in business ecosystem through our integrated ESG system
    • 2050Establish a sustainable business ecosystem going hand in hand with our partners and local community
  • Business

    • 2030Good impact of content and brand
    • 2050Transform the business into Good impact of content and brand expanding to global market


Advance the operation of ESG governance

Enhance the compliance management system

Reinforce ESG communication with stakeholders

ESG Committee
For the strategic and systematic sustainable management, ESG committee members are experts in media and entertainment industry, compliance, and social policy field.

The Committee deliberates the following matters

  • 01
    Matters related to environmental management including climate change, forests and water security
  • 02
    Matters related to ethics and human rights policies
  • 03
    Major issues related to privacy & data security, social responsibility, governance, and etc.
  • 04
    Propose management strategy to enhance shareholder and enterprise value
  • 05
    Matters related to fair and just of internal transactions

Committee Members

  • Independent Director MIN, YOUNG Chair of the ESG Committee
    • Professor of Media & Communication school, Korea University
    • Research Fellow of Humanities & Social Sciences, National Research Foundation of Korea
    • Press arbitrator, Press Arbitration Commission
    • Advisory Committee, Journalists Association of Korea
    Media industry and social science
  • Independent Director CHOI, JOONG KYUNG
    • President of the Korea Certified Public Accountants Association
    • Chair-professor at Graduate School of Public Administration, Korea University
    • Minister of Knowledge Economy
    Finance and administrative system
  • Independent Director HAN, SANG DAE
    • HAN, SANG DAE Law firm
    • Director of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office
    • Prosecutor General of the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office
    Law and compliance
  • Inside Director YOON, SANG HYUN CEO of CJ ENM
    • CFO, CJ Logistics
    • Business Strategy Executive, CJ Corp
    • M&A Executive, CJ CheilJedang
    Business and overall management