
Small Efforts for Going Green Can lead to Big Changes if Our Employees are Together

Green Programs for Incorporating Eco-friendly Lifestyle into Daily Activities with Employees


CJ ENM cares and practices environmental protection activities that can be easily incorporated into daily life with our employees. In 2023, we strived to internalize environmental conservation awareness through everyday environmentally-friendly campaigns such used Hetbahn(ready-to-eat cookedrice product) containers for upcycling in collaboration with CJ CheilJedang, deleting unnecessary emails piled up in the mailboxes, using tumblers at workplace, participating in zero waste days, and engaging in plogging(combination of jogging with picking up litter) activities.


Furthermore, CJ ENM is pursuing various activities to preserve biodiversity and protect the environment. In April 2023, CJ ENM carried out activities to create an urban forest by reviving dying or replacing irrecoverable plants with new plants at rooftop of welfare centers located at Yeomni-dong, Seoul, where is within the community. Also in October 2023, 30 employees participated in a planting volunteer activity called ‘Home Seed Pot(log for growing seeds at home)’, where they relocated viable trees grown through this activity to the Noeul Park in Sangam-dong, Seoul. Home Seed Pot is a volunteer activity that involves planting acorn tree seeds in recycled plant pots made from fallen trees or cleared trees in the park, growing them for over 100 days, and then returning them. The returned plant pots are subsequently transferred to tree growth site in Noeul Park, where they continue to grow for several years before being planted in the park. In order to promote activities for environmental conservation in our daily lives,


As CJ ENM believe that these small efforts can lead to big changes when it comes together, we are consistently implementing easy activities to do in everyday lives.